Car Accident Lawyer San Antonio

Have you or your loved one been injured in a car accident? Determining who is responsible is not always easy and sometimes it is more difficult to get fair compensation. By contacting a San Antonio car accident lawyer, you will find a lawyer for you who will verify the truth of your case and help you make the best decision to proceed. Our firm handles lawsuits in the great states of San Antonio and throughout Texas. We have the experience to fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact Hill Law Firm today for questions or to schedule a free case assessment, (210) 899-5031.

Why Choose Our San Antonio Auto Accident Attorney?

  • Attorney Justin Hill has extorted millions of rupees in compensation for past clients.
  • She is a resident of Texas and has helped clients across the state since 2007.
  • The accident case is taken on an emergency basis. You pay when we win!
  • Get free first aid in case of all car accidents.

Why do I need an attorney after an accident?

  1. How soon should I hire an attorney?
  2. How much do car accident lawyers charge?
  3. Who is the best car accident lawyer near me?
  4. What types of car accident cases do we handle?
  5. How is fault determined in a car crash?
  6. What are the most common injuries in auto accidents?
  7. What to do after an auto collision?
  8. Texas car wreck statistics
  9. Do you have a case? Contact our experienced attorneys

Why Do I Need an Attorney After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

While you may think your accident was minor or you don't need a lawyer, there are many ways our law offices can help, including:

  • Talk to the insurance company, guide you through the process and advocate for you.
  • Using our skills to verify evidence, evaluate police reports and interview witnesses.
  • Estimate fair compensation based on the severity of the loss, your injury and your pain and suffering.
  • Make sure you get the best deal possible based on your case information.
  • If necessary, take the responsible party to court.

How Soon Should I Hire an Attorney?

The simple answer is that hiring an attorney after an auto accident is not too quick.

Defective party insurance company will contact you immediately for a statement. The insurance company is not looking out for your best interests. They will do everything in their power not to pay you what you owe. Consult an experienced San Antonio car accident attorney at Hill Law Firm before making your statement. Having a lawyer contract with the insurance company will maximize your financial recovery and protect you from unfair insurance practices.

In Texas, personal injury laws are restricted to two years. A statute of limitations is a law that restricts you from filing lawsuits against another party. Two years after the accident, you can no longer claim compensation for your personal injury. The sooner you contact a personal injury lawyer, the sooner they can start filing your claim. Two years may seem like a long time, but it can go a long way when dealing with serious injuries.

How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge?

You will not be charged a single penny until we win.

There is no risk for you. Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. You do not have to pay any costs or legal fees until we receive compensation for you. Our firm will cover all advance costs related to filing a lawsuit. We can even help you with your medical bills. When you hire our San Antonio Personal Injury Attorney at Hill Law Firm, there will be no cost out of your pocket. Our goal is to ease your worries by taking care of you.

Who is the Best San Antonio Auto Accident Lawyer Near Me?

Choosing the right attorney for your claim is important, but it doesn't have to be an overwhelming process. The best personal injury lawyer will have these five characteristics:

  • Compassionate – One of the most important characteristics is that you are in the most painful and stressful situation of your life. The best attorneys will be sympathetic to your current situation and understand your plight.
  • Responsive – You need an attorney who is 100% focused on your case. They should answer your questions and concerns quickly.
  • Involved – The best attorneys are involved in every aspect of your case. They will not pass it to allow staff members, such as paralegals and legal assistants.
  • Experience – Your lawyer needs a solid track record of success against auto insurance companies. They need experience in car accident cases like you.
  • Positive Reputation – The best lawyer will have positive testimonials from past and present clients. They should be recognized by their peers for their achievements.

San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer

Types of Auto Accidents We Handle

Car accidents occur every day in the United States and can cause life-changing injuries. Crash across Texas causes more than 200,000 injuries each year, one hit every two minutes. Car wreckage errors are often disputed and insurance coordinators are not always in your best interests. What if your claim is denied? You need an experienced car accident attorney who will be on your side and fight for your right to compensation.

We have experience handling a wide variety of claims, including:

  1. Fatal car accidents
  2. Rear-end collisions
  3. Wrong-way collisions
  4. Driver error or reckless driving
  5. Multiple vehicle accidents
  6. Motorcycle accidents
  7. Truck accidents
  8. Pedestrian accidents
  9. Accidents involving livestock
  10. Inexperienced drivers
  11. Distracted driving
  12. Drunk driving accidents
  13. Car rollover accidents
  14. Road rage incidents and aggressive driving

How is Fault Determined in a Texas Car Accident?

Texas is a "fault" state, meaning that Texas law holds the guilty party liable for damages. In other words, anyone who causes a car wreck is responsible for paying all relevant damages; Economic (e.g. property damage, medical expenses), non-economic (e.g. pain and suffering), and punitive damages. Determining liability in an auto accident can be very easy, as in the case of drunk drivers, but it can also be quite difficult. Evidence is the key to proof of guilt.

If the errant driver admits to causing an accident on the record, it should be easy to prove your innocence and win your claim. If they do not plead guilty, then who was at fault for determining which photographs, statements to insurance companies or authorities, or witness interviews will be used. It is up to the insurance companies to review the evidence and determine who is responsible for the car crash. If the faulty driver's insurance company denies liability, a lawsuit is the only option for justice and recovery for the injured.

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries in San Antonio?

The most common motor vehicle collisions are:

  • Brain Injuries: According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 20% of all traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2014 was caused by a car accident. A brain injury can mean recovery within a few days, or at worst, lifelong care.
  • Burn Injuries: These injuries can occur when victims of a car accident come in contact with heated surfaces, such as hot metal or steam from a damaged radiator. Some chemicals can also cause burns, such as toxins carried by commercial trucks.
  • Neck Injuries: Whiplash, herniated discs, and cervical dislocations are all examples of common car accident neck injuries. After all, these injuries can cause temporary pain and discomfort. At worst, a neck injury can lead to paralysis and lifelong care.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCSC) reports that approximately 40% of all spinal cord injuries are the result of motor vehicle accidents. These injuries occur when fractures or displacements are severe enough to damage the spine. In many cases, spinal cord injuries often result in lifelong injuries that require consistent care.
  • Limb Injuries: These injuries can take many forms, including broken bones, ligament tears, ruptures, fractures, soft tissue injuries, and dislocations.

If your loved one dies in a car accident, our San Antonio wrong death attorneys can fight for justice and recovery.

San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer

What to Do After a Car Crash in San Antonio?

  1. If you are able, call 911 to report the accident and seek medical advice immediately for any serious injuries.
  2. When the police arrive, give a full account of what happened, including as many details as possible to help them prepare an accident report. Include every possible description, including the possible smell of alcohol or whether other drivers were distracted by their phone while driving.
  3. Do not give any written or recorded statement to anyone, especially to the insurance agent of the opposing driver.
  4. Get names, contact information and insurance information for drivers and potential witnesses.
  5. Take pictures of the scene and your injury.
  6. Get a copy of the police report as soon as possible and make sure it's accurate.
  7. Contact one of our San Antonio car accident lawyers for legal representation.

Texas Car Accident Statistics

  • The death toll from Texas motor vehicle traffic has dropped. The death toll from 3,721 in 2017 dropped 1.92% from the 3,794 deaths recorded in 2016.
  • In 2017, 761 people were killed in crossroads or accidents related to a crossroads.
  • There were no deathless days on Texas Roadway in 2017.
  • Based on a reportable crash in 2017:
  • 1 person is killed every 2 hours and 21 minutes
  • 1 injured every 2 minutes 4 seconds
  • 1 reportable crash occurs every 59 seconds
  • In 2017, 254,853 people were injured in traffic accidents.
  • In 2017, a total of 614 pedestrians died This is 9.7% less than in 2016
  • In 2017, a total of 57 pedal cyclists died This is 13.6% less than in 2016
  • In 2017, 1,024 people died in car accidents where one driver drank alcohol. This is 28% of the total number of people killed in motor vehicle accidents.

Locations of Car Crashes: Urban vs. Rural

We analyzed data provided by the Texas Department of Transportation for 2017 to see the difference between San Antonio car accidents in urban vs. rural areas. As shown in the chart below, the chances of a car accident are 4 times higher in urban areas due to the huge change in population size.

What we find unfortunate is that the number of accidents that turn out to be fatal is almost the same in both urban and rural areas. This means that rural roads are 4 times more likely to have fatal accidents than urban areas.

Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney Today

Being injured in a car accident can turn your world upside down. Don't take insurance company alone. Justin is a top lawyer under the age of 40 and has won many successful car accident verdicts in his career, according to The National Trial Lawyer. If you or a family member is injured in an auto accident, we can help. Call Hill Law Firm's Law Office today at (210) 899-5031 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation with one of our San Antonio car accident attorneys to discuss your claim.
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