Air Pollution Paragraph Writing for Class JSC/SSC/HSC - English Tech24

Write a paragraph on 'Air pollution' by answering the following questions.

নিচের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়ে 'বায়ু দূষণ' বিষয়ে একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখ।

(a) What is air pollution?
(b) How is air polluted?
(c) What are the main causes of air pollutions?
(d) What are the demerits of air pollution?
(e) How can we solve this problem?

(ক) বায়ু দূষণ কী?
(খ) বায়ু কীভাবে দূষিত হয়?
(গ) বায়ু দূষণের মূল কারণগুলি কী কী?
(ঘ) বায়ু দূষণের কৃত্রিমতাগুলি কী কী?
(ঙ) কীভাবে আমরা এই সমস্যাটি সমাধান করতে পারি?

Air Pollution Paragraph
Air Pollution Paragraph

Answer : The problem is global due to air pollution. It pollutes the atmosphere, damages buildings and historical monuments, damages human health and causes respiratory diseases, and increases gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Nuclear plants are also a big threat.

Although technological advances and industrialization have led to the creation of wealth and prosperity, it has also caused widespread pollution of the environment. Harmful combustion of fuels like coal and petroleum in some major industries like automobiles, electric power plants etc. causes air pollution. Smoke from factories and homes pollutes the atmosphere.

About 50 percent of air pollution is primarily due to rapid industrialization in the 20th century. Automobiles pollute the atmosphere extensively. Different types of motor vehicle smoke cause respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis.

The problem is global due to air pollution. It pollutes the atmosphere, damages buildings and historical monuments, damages human health and causes respiratory diseases, and increases gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Nuclear plants are also a big threat. There is a risk of radioactive leakage. Nuclear tests pollute the air and lead to warming of the Earth's atmosphere. Sea level rises and floods occur as ice melts at the poles.

Air pollution paragraph for ssc

Air pollution is not good for healthy breathing and affects people to some extent. It appears in the environment due to poor air quality. The picture is of air pollution found more in urban areas than in a rural area. Now, the affected air has a high carbon volume that does not make you feel good. You will see air pollution due to the wrong and indifferent nature of some people in their promise to protect the environment. This brings with it health challenges related to the respiratory system. Since you have to travel from one place to another, many people drive to get there on time. Smoke emitted by these means of transport is a major cause of air pollution. Also, distortion contributes to getting air pollution.

Short paragraph on air pollution

This means that there is no element in the combination of natural air. This pollution falls into the category of environmental pollution which affects air quality. Early in the morning to catch air pollution starts from a layer of fog and it is not clear what to look for. Either smoke or harmful gases lead you to the air pollution curve. If an organism is forced to live in this ecosystem, it is difficult to live as long as possible.

Usually, burning coal, wood and any other fuel causes air pollution around you. When you burn a non-recyclable product in the vicinity of your living space, the smoke and fumes produced make air quality worse. Breathing air interacts with oxides of oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen. It has a toxic effect that is not easy to detect.

Air Pollution Paragraph - 200 words for 6th, 7th, 8th grade students

Air pollution is nothing more than a slight decrease in air quality. Air quality deteriorates through the entry of solid, liquid and gas particles. This unintended effect on the air is due to the effects of oxides, hydrocarbons and other toxic gases. Pollution can be classified according to their occurrence which kills the natural effect. However, it is seen that with natural resources comes a lot of pollution in the air. There is no participation of external elements. The list of pollutants includes dust, sea salt, volcanic ash and gas. So, there is no need to complain about external factors only. Some pollutants are man-made due to short-term comfort. Human and natural beings have accepted this pollutant.

Pollution has been described as a primary and secondary contaminant. Primary pollutants are those that directly affect air quality and the quality of its indicators. The best examples of primary pollutants are cars, scooters, dust storms, lightning, and smoke from volcanic eruptions. Secondary contaminants are made from chemical reactions and laboratory tests to test the quality of a particular substance. To avoid this problem, standard chemical laboratory tests are used.

Paragraphs related to air pollution - 9, 10, 11, 12 and 250 to 300 words for competitive examination

Air pollution is one of the major problems of our time. Almost all the countries are victims of this environmental pollution. It is the act of mixing pollutants into the air which is not justified for the shell life of the human being and the entire planetary habitat. To address the impact of this non-potential impact, the Clean Air Act brings the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the health protection of widespread pollution. Their goal is to limit emissions of these harmful air pollutants. This leading industry laid its foundation in 1970. The origin of air pollution is not completely controlled, but it is easy to reduce the severity of air pollution.

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